Would you be willing to help?

Dear friends, My fiction manuscript proposal is ready for my literary agent to present to publishers, but "platform" is vital to publishers these days - they want to see a ready-made following for a new author before accepting the project. Currently, 264 readers subscribe to my newsletter, and 1000 is the minimum expected by publishers.…Read more Would you be willing to help?

ShoutOut Colorado Interview

Please visit the wonderful online publication, ShoutOut Colorado, featuring the people of my home state, Colorado! This interview was originally published in ShoutOut Colorado, December 22, 2020. Hi Colleen, how does your business help the community?We are not alone. I keep stumbling on this theme wherever I go in the world (and strangely, especially among…Read more ShoutOut Colorado Interview

The Indigo Iris and Healing

Indigo Iris 2; 2020; 12" x 19.5"; mixed media: watercolor, chalk, acrylic, ink, pastel. Work on the the proposal for my fiction manuscript came to a full stop as I faced the barrier of painting an indigo iris, a key motif in the story, symbolizing the main character's journey toward healing. For some reason, I…Read more The Indigo Iris and Healing

When A Life Catches Fire

(c) 2019, art and excerpts from Come After Me, fiction manuscript, by Colleen Briggs. RELIGION... Pine Springs, Colorado, USA March, 2002 Chinook winds howled down the tree-lined streets. Branches overhead tussled and cracked. Halfway down the next block, a limb crashed to the ground. She tugged her hat tighter over her ears. After wandering for…Read more When A Life Catches Fire