Everleigh entered this world on August 14, 2016, welcomed by birth mother, Delaney; birth father, Kenny; and birth grandmother, Karen. On August 17, Everleigh went home in the arms of adoptive parents, Casey and Michael. Nine months later….

1 Everleigh with birth and adoptive parents

Everleigh with birth and adoptive parents

2 birth parents

Everleigh with birth parents

3 adoptive and birth parents (1)

Everleigh with adoptive and birth parents

6 Everleigh with adoptive mom, birth mom and birth grandmother

Everleigh with adoptive mom, birth mom, and birth grandmother

5 adoptive and birth parents (2)

6 Everleigh (1)

7 Everleigh (2)

8 adoptive parents

Everleigh with adoptive parents

9 Everleigh's family

Everleigh with her family


with special thanks to

Hope’s Promise (Adoption Agency)

of Castle Rock, CO.

(303) 660-0277.

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